Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Teacher Tech Camp: Assignment One

Technology...I am fascinated at how easy it is to do things now in minutes or even seconds that a few years ago would require hours of frustration.  I like to use it.  I need to use it.  It is the language of the new world.  I still NEED to touch and smell art materials, books, and paint, and I get tired of looking at a screen.  You get the idea.  I am a fan of the seeming democracy of the web, the idea that everyone can put themselves out there (good or bad).   While I often miss the touch of books, the use of technology for information, inspiration and communication is boundless.
  • In the recent past I have used a blog to create a place where students could complete photography assignments given with a specific prompt.  Currently I want to expand on using a blog with my Art classes.  By attending this class I hope to expand on my knowledge of blog use, and meet other teachers who are using them. Specifically I hope to steal/ borrow some ideas to jump start my Art 4 blog-plan.  I really want it to be awesome.

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